Christmas was good this year! Like I said, my parents were in town, so that was nice! Jacob's parents were out of town (Jacob's whole family was in Texas this year), so it was just us and my parents. Chelsea must have been a very good girl this year because Santa was very good to her! Other than presents there wasn't much going on that day, so here's some pictures!
Life with the Lauritzens: From the Middle of Nowhere
Friday, January 14, 2011
Christmas 2010
Christmas was good this year! Like I said, my parents were in town, so that was nice! Jacob's parents were out of town (Jacob's whole family was in Texas this year), so it was just us and my parents. Chelsea must have been a very good girl this year because Santa was very good to her! Other than presents there wasn't much going on that day, so here's some pictures!
Derrick and Anika's Wedding
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Year in Review
So remember how I said I was limited to what pictures I could find on the computer? Well, for some reason I wasn't able to find ANY pictures from June! In June our amazing friends, Ashley and Kolbein Kolste, came to visit with their new daughter, Emma! We went to the zoo and Ashley and I got to take a night to scrapbook at Archiver's! It was a great couple of days, and we can't wait until we get to see them June 2011!
Happy New Year!
“The Lauritzen’s 2010: A Year in Review”
2010 was a year of transition
With graduation and moving and paying tuition.
Here is a poem with some of our story
Sit back and relax (I hope it’s not boring).
Upon graduation, we left on a cruise.
We flew to Miami for food and to snooze.
We ate Key Lime in Key West and saw Hemmingway
And in the Bahamas we played all day.
We left Ohio towards the end of the summer.
With vacation over it was back to a number
Of “unfun” stuff; moving and packing and driving cross-country
From East to West to make some more money
Jacob got a new job, or two, or three
At a high school, a college, and university.
Now he is teaching, and teaching, and tutoring students
Wiping their noses and grading their truant … papers.
Chelsea had surgery to remove a cyst
She turned one, can run and climb onto … well, let me list:
Her crib rail, the table, chairs and benches
Computers, and scooters and did I mention … everything?
She is starting to talk, saying, “peeze” and “more.”
It’s so cute and precious we cannot ignore
When she tugs at our fingers and drags us in place
To play Legos or balls or to clean off her face.
She loves Minnie and Mickey and going to the Zoo,
Dora and Diego and Ming Ming too.
She is our bundle of joy;
Our love and our world!
We love her so much—
Our Baby Girl.
Whitney has been scrappin’
and a little head scratchin’
To find what to do
in our town of like two
Or three thousand,
a Walmart, and mountains.
She has been reading a lot of murder mysteries
Where the killer kills with new recipes.
Then, she tries them on Jacob to see how they taste,
And when he survives she puts some on her plate.
But still we have fun
Out here in the sun
Through good and bad days,
Through the sweat and the tears
Merry Christmas from us
And have a Happy New Year!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Grandma Melinda made the most adorable Alice costume! I made the headband :) and in true Turner fashion, finished it promptly a few minutes before we left! We went to Basha's, a grocery store, to do a little trick or treating. She had lots of fun running around the store, and we got LOTS of compliments on how cute her costume was and how cute she looked in it!
The next day, Chelsea and I stayed home from church because she was sick. That night we were going to the temple to take some pictures for Jacob's parents, so we got her dressed so she could run around outside a little bit. When we told her we were going to change her clothes, she went to her room, went right for her Alice costume and got all the pieces so we could put it on her. I think she'll be ok with putting it on later this week for a photo shoot!