Friday, February 20, 2009

She's here!

Our Beautiful Baby Girl was born early early on Friday morning (1:09am) after only twenty minutes of pushing ... and lots of contractions. But she's here! She scored a 9 and 10 (because she's perfect). She was 21 inches long, 7 lbs 2oz, looks to have something close to strawberry blonde hair, a dimple in her chin, Whitney's face, and maybe Jacob's nose. We'll write more later, but she's here and she's wonderful!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A week might as well be a year ...

That's about how Whitney feels right now. She's ready for Baby Girl to come and so is Jacob. 39 weeks is long enough, right? Apparently Baby Girl doesn't agree because tomorrow is her 39 week mark and there are little to no signs that she'll be coming soon (but of course that doesn't mean it can't happen sooner).

But we think her room is finally ready! Baby Girl that is. Or at least that we have basically everything that we need: crib, mattress, bedding, cute stuffed animals, clothes, car seat, baby rocker, toys, stroller, diapers, wipes, cute wall decorations, more clothes, pack-n-play, toiletries, nasal aspirator, etc. We're pretty set until she comes and then we'll realize everything we don't have. We're just ready for her to come!

See! Everyone seems to think that Whitney hasn't gotten that big. A lot of people have said that she looks good (which of course is true). But she feels terrible.

She looks good though! We're just both ready to meet Baby Girl. We're excited, but very very ready.