Friday, September 11, 2009

Excuses, Excuses

So apparently having a child is still no excuse to blog...So I'll just post some pictures of Chelsea... for each month since the last update of her (6 weeks)...

This is basically the first smile that we got on camera. (2 months)

Trying on some shades getting ready for Disney World. (2 months)

The first of many attempts to start solids. (3 months)

(3 months)

I think this picture is adorable! (3 months)

Precious. These last 3 pictures are from our trip to Disney World with Jacob's family. These three were taken by Jacob's brother, Kyle. (3 months)

After her 4 month appointment. (4 months)

Just playing :). These last two onesies were made for Chelsea by my cousin Paula. Thanks Paula! (4 months)

We were helping Darbie and Chad move, and I was attempting to get a picture with all three cousins...this was what I got. (4 months)

Family Photo are some concert thingy we went to with some friends. (4 months)

Getting ready for church..a little tennis player :) (4 months)

Cleveland Zoo with the Kolstes (5 months)

Exhausted at the zoo. (5 months)

5 months.

Super Baby! (5 months)

Backyard camping. (5 months)

Sippy cup. (5 months)

I'm 6 months old TODAY! (6 months)

I can sit all by myself! (6 months) She could actually sit on her own well before this, but I had to write something!

Happy 6 months! (6 months)

Daddy's hat. (6 months)

6 months.

Go Cougars! (6 months)

So there is the basic life of Chelsea. At her 6 months appointment, she weighed 15lbs 14.9 oz and 26in. She is between the 45th-55th percentiles for both, so she's average and just perfect :). If you look at the progressive pictures, you'll notice the bump on her head growing. We have found out that it is a benign cyst (after an ultrasound and then an x-ray), and have to go see a specialist to find out what to do about it. It doesn't seem to bother her unless someone is poking at it. She seems to like most solids--sweet potatoes, bananas, green beans, peas, carrots, squash, but not peaches yet. Chelsea still sleeps all night (she will occasionally wake up at night, but it's still very rare--and we're not complaining!) Other than the doctor visits, everything is good here in Ohio. Jacob started his last year of his Masters program (Hurray!) and has a new calling...Seminary. That's right folks. Jacob is teaching Seminary. At our apartment, and there are only three girls in the class (that actually come, anyway). So he teaches them while Chelsea and Whitney sleep. Jacob has also had a paper accepted to be presented at the MMLA Conference in St Louis in November. He is very excited and we are so proud of him! Whitney is just working...that's about all. We're all still alive here in Ohio, despite the lack of life-changing updates!


JoshandJen said...

Ok, Whitney, Chelsea is so darn cute!! I can't believe that she is sitting up at 6 months!! Wade first rolled over at 5 months and then rolled the other way soon after so he can roll and scoot around on his belly but not even close to sitting up on his own. Those pictures are great, isn't it amazing how fast they grow up, I still can't believe that her and Wade are already half way to a year.

The Bozemans said...

Whitney, Chelsea is absolutely beautiful! Oh, her smile makes my heart melt! Hopefully we'll be able to meet her soon!

Ashley said...

Cute, cute, cute! She is such a beauty! I especially liked the comment when she is on the gorilla that says "Cleveland Zoo with the Kolstes"...are we the gorilla? Hehe just teasing ;) And we're super proud of Jacob too! Way to go! You are such a good mommy Whitney! Can't wait to talk to you!!

stephasauri said...

She is adorable! I can't even decide on my favorite. I teally like the peach hat one and the six months today one. The campout one is funny because it looks like Chelsea is over the fire. I think she is really looks like some of your baby pictures, Whitney, especially the second to last one in the pink striped sleep sack. So cute! Keep the pictures coming!

Rachel said...

She is so adorable and getting so big! I love those pictures!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful, she looks just like you, Whitney!! Thanks for sharing the pics, I have been waiting to see her!!